
This is an introduction bot for slack teams which helps new or former members to present themselves to others.

This project is maintained by sdmg15

IamBot Version dof_init.1

Authored by sdmg15


This command helps new members or former members of a slack team to present themselves to others. I designed this command because in my team I saw that there was too much recurrence. It means that when a new user was coming, those who are connected that day rushed to ask the new member his jobs, which techs does he use.... And maybe morrow or later others members which were not connected that day are today connected, what they will do is to try getting information about new users during their absent. They will ping the new user and ask him information that he has already given and maybe he will be fed up. This will become too hard to know who is who! So I created this command to remedy this problem.


The usage of the command is very straightforward. First, you have to fork or clone the source code and then you can deploy it either on Heroku or on Openshift. After deploying visit https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations and then click on New /command located on the right menu. In the field to choose the name of the command, write down /iam and click on the button. After chose the name, you will be redirected to another page, On that page look for the input field named URL and fill it with the URL you received when you deploy the app on Heroku or Openshift. Always on the same page, look for the input field named Token and copy the token of your team contained on that input and then go in the file index.php on line 13 and replace the TOKEN_OF_YOUR_TEAM by the copied token. If you have done all these steps, now you can check for the list of available options for the command. Here is the list of available options for the command :


Slack API documentation. To view visit https://www.api.slack.com/slash-commands.

Enjoy it!